Thursday, October 10, 2013

Well, Tuesday we were slackers; all except my hubby that is. He got up and did yoga while I slept. I had a sore throat and felt like I had just broken a fever, so I stayed in bed. Kelsey slept in too.

But Wednesday was a better day- for me at least. Kelsey chose to sleep in again, so we missed her. Chris and I hit the gym and did 6 reps of 1/4 miles on the treadmill with 10 pull-ups in between. And, yes, mine were hydraulically assisted. :) Chris's, on the other hand, were not. :(

We both survived, albeit terribly sore today. I can barely lift my arms and Chris has mentioned that his back hurts. He does note that it's a "good" kind of hurt if there can be such a thing.

We still haven't set specific goals and deadlines to such, but we'll get on it, and I'll post those shortly.

I also need to incorporate Foundation workouts into my day to strengthen my back and core. Guess we still have much to work on. But we're having fun and I enjoy spending time with Chris and Kel in the morning before their work days begin.

Today, Chris and I did yoga for 1/2 hour. Oh, my aching hips and back ... I'm not very flexible in those areas, so it's killing me. Kel slept in again. I think we may have lost her to the Sandman already. But I know she has to workout with us tomorrow because she has an early morning dentist appointment. I know ... joy! Since I'm driving her, I think she's going to workout w/ us.

Well, I think I'm going to take some funny pics w/ my phone while we're straining ourselves in these gut-wrenching, morning routines. Keep an eye out for the pics and our goals. We'll post how we're doing on reaching our goals along the way.

From Germany- Tschus! Und Guten Tag!

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