Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14th

Today's Crossfit workout included 10 sets of two repetitions of bench press with 60 seconds rest in between sets.  We lifted much heavier since it was only two repetitions.  Chris started with 70 lbs dumb-bells and worked up to 90 lbs; Rayna went as low as 35 lbs dumb-bells up to 45 lbs.  We were able to work out at the house in our gym (in the basement) today, which made everything much quicker.  We again followed the workout with a short 1.5 mile run (same as Saturday).  Rayna ran much quicker today. Yes, I think I made Chris tired.  : )

Motivational Quote:  "Just Do It!" - Nike Slogan

Stop making excuses and get out there and do it! What is "it" you may ask?  1. Cardio - quickest fat burning solution; 2. Weight resistance exercise - builds lean muscle mass, which in turn burns calories to maintain said muscle mass; and 3. Proper diet - eat a balanced diet of carbs, protein, and fat; eat smaller meals and healthy snacks in between meals to keep your metabolism constantly working.

"It" can also be anything you set your mind to. Starting is the hardest part. And who knows, once you start, you may even like "it".

Chris's Goals: (Current weight: 218 lbs)
- Lose weight at healthy levels: 1 1/2 - 2 lbs a week
- Goal weight: 200
- Timeline for goal weight: 11 weeks or January 1, 2014
- Increase mileage to 15-20 miles/week
- Run 5K October 26 (Pumkin Run on Patch Barracks)
- Run 10K in December
- Run the Mercedes 1/2 Marathon in March

Rayna's Goals:  
- Weekly Weight Goal: 197 by 21 Oct.
- Overall Weight Goal: 175 by January 1, 2014
- Goal waist mmt: 30" waist (or smaller) in 11 weeks or by January 1, 2014
- Run 5K October 26 (Pumkin Run on Patch Barracks)
- Run 10K in December
- Run the Mercedes 1/2 Marathon in March

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