Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Yoga Tuesday and Total Body Wednesday

Saturday we were at the temple, so no work out that day. And then Sunday was church, so we were off then too. Alas, Sunday we didn't get much sleep at all due to unforeseen circumstances, which left us drained on Monday. So, that's three days off. Sometimes payback is rough. And that's what happened today-even though it's Wednesday now.

Wednesday's workout:
Run a lap, 20 lunges
Run a lap, 2 minutes of abs
Run a lap, 40 push ups-Chris, 25 push ups-Rayna
Run a lap, 20 burpees- Chris, 10 burpees-Rayna
Run a lap, 50 jumping jacks
Now, do it all over again. So tired, could barely breathe, lift arms, or walk...soooooo tired. Thanks Honey for smokin' my butt again.

Our motivational quote for today is:

motivational quotes

Even though it's hard to get back into the habit. It feels great to start ... tiring, but great. Lots of habits I'm still working on in life. I think my hubby would say the same for both myself and himself. It's nice to work on things together, though. And to have people who motivate you to become a better person and to do your best. Thanks, Baby.

Well, we did work out on Tuesday. It was Yoga Day! So, we got our bend on. Feeling stretchy!

Alright, so here's a quote for Tuesday.

"Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are."  Jason Crandelln Crandell

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