Friday, October 18, 2013

Hello Friday!

I love my hubby's iPad, or rather I love to steal my hubby's iPad and use it in the tub. I know, I know, shame on me. Luckily I haven't dropped it yet. :P

So, here's a great quote found in Runner's World. Btw, RW is an awesome mag. Great articles, great recipes, great tips, great people ... It just doesn't get much better. This quote captures the mind over matter ability that we all possess. Our spirits control our bodies when used for good. It is one of the tests of mortality- to master our physical desires and passions. Addictions hinder the spirit's ability to control the body, so it's important to keep our bodies and minds free from addictive substances and actions.

Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic. 

Timothy Noakes, author of Lore of Running 

Our Smokin' Workout

Chris- run .5 miles, 20 kettle ball swings, 10 pull ups, Repeat these 4 times.
Rayna- I ran .5 the first set and then did .25 for the last 3 sets. This way I kept up w/ Chris. I think
I'm gonna be sore again tomorrow. When does the soreness end???  When will the fat melt away? When will my thighs love me again? Yep, it sounds like a Barry Manalo song. :)

Not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow, but I'm going to try to surprise Chris with a run at Bärenschlussel. I'd like to take our puppy, too. The leaves should be at their peak colors soon.

Happy Fall Y'all!

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