Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, October 17th

Today Chris ran two miles on the treadmill in the basement and followed Reflexion Yoga's YouTube video "Beginner Yoga for Back Pain."  Chris felt better running today than he has since getting back into running.  His flexibility is increasing as well.  The yoga today helped to relieve some of the soreness from the deadlifts yesterday.

Rayna took the puppies on a mile and 1/2 run w/ a 1/2 mile walk to cool down. They <3 to run. The weather was great - nice and cool- about 55. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout. I think it's going to hurt a little. :D Wish us luck!

OK, now for our motivational quote:

Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right!"

You must believe in yourself in order to succeed.  If you think you can't, you will quit at the first difficulty! Don't give up on yourself!

Until Morgen ...

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