Friday, October 25, 2013

Thursday's Fun

OK, for Thursday, October 24th I ran 1 mile in 10 minutes and Chris ran 2.5 -gotta ask him his time. We both hit the treadmill at different times of the day, and we both did yoga at different times, too. I did yoga concentrating on hips, back and legs for 45minutes. And Chris did Runner's Yoga.

Saturday we run a 5K. We'll see how that goes.

Here's a quote from one of my favorite authors:

C.S. Lewis- Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Yoga Tuesday and Total Body Wednesday

Saturday we were at the temple, so no work out that day. And then Sunday was church, so we were off then too. Alas, Sunday we didn't get much sleep at all due to unforeseen circumstances, which left us drained on Monday. So, that's three days off. Sometimes payback is rough. And that's what happened today-even though it's Wednesday now.

Wednesday's workout:
Run a lap, 20 lunges
Run a lap, 2 minutes of abs
Run a lap, 40 push ups-Chris, 25 push ups-Rayna
Run a lap, 20 burpees- Chris, 10 burpees-Rayna
Run a lap, 50 jumping jacks
Now, do it all over again. So tired, could barely breathe, lift arms, or walk...soooooo tired. Thanks Honey for smokin' my butt again.

Our motivational quote for today is:

motivational quotes

Even though it's hard to get back into the habit. It feels great to start ... tiring, but great. Lots of habits I'm still working on in life. I think my hubby would say the same for both myself and himself. It's nice to work on things together, though. And to have people who motivate you to become a better person and to do your best. Thanks, Baby.

Well, we did work out on Tuesday. It was Yoga Day! So, we got our bend on. Feeling stretchy!

Alright, so here's a quote for Tuesday.

"Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are."  Jason Crandelln Crandell

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hello Friday!

I love my hubby's iPad, or rather I love to steal my hubby's iPad and use it in the tub. I know, I know, shame on me. Luckily I haven't dropped it yet. :P

So, here's a great quote found in Runner's World. Btw, RW is an awesome mag. Great articles, great recipes, great tips, great people ... It just doesn't get much better. This quote captures the mind over matter ability that we all possess. Our spirits control our bodies when used for good. It is one of the tests of mortality- to master our physical desires and passions. Addictions hinder the spirit's ability to control the body, so it's important to keep our bodies and minds free from addictive substances and actions.

Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic. 

Timothy Noakes, author of Lore of Running 

Our Smokin' Workout

Chris- run .5 miles, 20 kettle ball swings, 10 pull ups, Repeat these 4 times.
Rayna- I ran .5 the first set and then did .25 for the last 3 sets. This way I kept up w/ Chris. I think
I'm gonna be sore again tomorrow. When does the soreness end???  When will the fat melt away? When will my thighs love me again? Yep, it sounds like a Barry Manalo song. :)

Not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow, but I'm going to try to surprise Chris with a run at Bärenschlussel. I'd like to take our puppy, too. The leaves should be at their peak colors soon.

Happy Fall Y'all!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, October 17th

Today Chris ran two miles on the treadmill in the basement and followed Reflexion Yoga's YouTube video "Beginner Yoga for Back Pain."  Chris felt better running today than he has since getting back into running.  His flexibility is increasing as well.  The yoga today helped to relieve some of the soreness from the deadlifts yesterday.

Rayna took the puppies on a mile and 1/2 run w/ a 1/2 mile walk to cool down. They <3 to run. The weather was great - nice and cool- about 55. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout. I think it's going to hurt a little. :D Wish us luck!

OK, now for our motivational quote:

Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right!"

You must believe in yourself in order to succeed.  If you think you can't, you will quit at the first difficulty! Don't give up on yourself!

Until Morgen ...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This one's for Tuesday

Well, we missed our Tuesday blog post, so we're getting it done now. Tuesday began with yoga focusing on the back. We used Reflexion Yoga's YouTube video "Beginner Yoga for Back Pain." And here's a link

Chris ran 1.5 miles on treadmill. My running plan had Tuesday as a rest day, 
which I adhered to. : ). 
Kel had a run rest day, too.

Here's a little motivation for you:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 
― Marianne WilliamsonReturn to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

Wednesday, Oct. 16

Today our workout consisted of 21 dead lifts and then 21 box jumps, then 15 of both of those again, and then a final set of 9. Chris was burning some calories on this one. I did step jumps and Chris and Kelsey did single steps onto large and small platforms, respectively. After this, Kelsey and I ran a mile and Chris ran two.

Here's today's motivational quote w/ pic. It's true! Successful people work hard to reach their goals.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14th

Today's Crossfit workout included 10 sets of two repetitions of bench press with 60 seconds rest in between sets.  We lifted much heavier since it was only two repetitions.  Chris started with 70 lbs dumb-bells and worked up to 90 lbs; Rayna went as low as 35 lbs dumb-bells up to 45 lbs.  We were able to work out at the house in our gym (in the basement) today, which made everything much quicker.  We again followed the workout with a short 1.5 mile run (same as Saturday).  Rayna ran much quicker today. Yes, I think I made Chris tired.  : )

Motivational Quote:  "Just Do It!" - Nike Slogan

Stop making excuses and get out there and do it! What is "it" you may ask?  1. Cardio - quickest fat burning solution; 2. Weight resistance exercise - builds lean muscle mass, which in turn burns calories to maintain said muscle mass; and 3. Proper diet - eat a balanced diet of carbs, protein, and fat; eat smaller meals and healthy snacks in between meals to keep your metabolism constantly working.

"It" can also be anything you set your mind to. Starting is the hardest part. And who knows, once you start, you may even like "it".

Chris's Goals: (Current weight: 218 lbs)
- Lose weight at healthy levels: 1 1/2 - 2 lbs a week
- Goal weight: 200
- Timeline for goal weight: 11 weeks or January 1, 2014
- Increase mileage to 15-20 miles/week
- Run 5K October 26 (Pumkin Run on Patch Barracks)
- Run 10K in December
- Run the Mercedes 1/2 Marathon in March

Rayna's Goals:  
- Weekly Weight Goal: 197 by 21 Oct.
- Overall Weight Goal: 175 by January 1, 2014
- Goal waist mmt: 30" waist (or smaller) in 11 weeks or by January 1, 2014
- Run 5K October 26 (Pumkin Run on Patch Barracks)
- Run 10K in December
- Run the Mercedes 1/2 Marathon in March

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday, October 12th

Today was a quick smoker Crossfit workout: "Cindy" - 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats (air squats) = 1 round.  Do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.  Chris managed 14 rounds and Rayna 13 2/3 rounds.  We followed this with a nice leisurely 1 1/2 mile run on a cool, autumn, German day.

Motivational Quote:
"In all seriousness, the health condition of the majority of people in developed nations has deteriorated to such an extent that it has literally become a crisis. In the US, experts estimate that approximately 70% of the adult population is currently overweight or obese." - Mike reary, Training and Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean Body,
Don't be a statistic! At least not the 70% side of the statistic.  Get your rear-in-gear, get off of the couch, and begin living a healthy life.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday October 11th : )

So, today's workout was a good one. I should have increased the weights I used. Chris should have used a little less weight, and Kelsey finally made it to a workout at 5am. It's not easy, but it sure is worth it! We did  7 reps of 3 hanging cleans, 3 squats w/ the weights, and 1 walk across a full basketball court and back with kettle balls. Too much fun!

After thinking about our blog, I decided to include a motivational quote each day. 

I heard this in an interview with one of the world's most well-known models. If I remember everything right, it comes from Christie Turlington. 


So, we need to be accountable and responsible for our actions- workouts, food intake, and goals.

We're running a 5K on Saturday, Oct 26th. Wish us luck!  :)


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Well, Tuesday we were slackers; all except my hubby that is. He got up and did yoga while I slept. I had a sore throat and felt like I had just broken a fever, so I stayed in bed. Kelsey slept in too.

But Wednesday was a better day- for me at least. Kelsey chose to sleep in again, so we missed her. Chris and I hit the gym and did 6 reps of 1/4 miles on the treadmill with 10 pull-ups in between. And, yes, mine were hydraulically assisted. :) Chris's, on the other hand, were not. :(

We both survived, albeit terribly sore today. I can barely lift my arms and Chris has mentioned that his back hurts. He does note that it's a "good" kind of hurt if there can be such a thing.

We still haven't set specific goals and deadlines to such, but we'll get on it, and I'll post those shortly.

I also need to incorporate Foundation workouts into my day to strengthen my back and core. Guess we still have much to work on. But we're having fun and I enjoy spending time with Chris and Kel in the morning before their work days begin.

Today, Chris and I did yoga for 1/2 hour. Oh, my aching hips and back ... I'm not very flexible in those areas, so it's killing me. Kel slept in again. I think we may have lost her to the Sandman already. But I know she has to workout with us tomorrow because she has an early morning dentist appointment. I know ... joy! Since I'm driving her, I think she's going to workout w/ us.

Well, I think I'm going to take some funny pics w/ my phone while we're straining ourselves in these gut-wrenching, morning routines. Keep an eye out for the pics and our goals. We'll post how we're doing on reaching our goals along the way.

From Germany- Tschus! Und Guten Tag!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday's Work-Out Oct. 7, 2013

Chris, Kelsey and I have been working out for about a month now. I thought I'd start a blog just to chat about how and what we're doing. We've started CrossFit workouts - at least the best we can. This morning we ran 1.5 miles, did 4 minutes of push-ups, ran another 1.5 miles and finished up with 4 minutes of sit-ups. Yes, it was all hard, but we managed to finish. And not die!

Here's a link to CrossFit : )

I'll find out what our individual goals are and post them soon.

Wish us luck.