Friday, November 22, 2013

Back in the Saddle Again!

Today is Friday! Yay! It's the 22nd of November.

So, today I've done a Core Performance workout with Chris, ran 3 miles, and did 250 sit-ups.

Tuesday, we did Yoga together. Wednesday I was a slacker; hence, the post's title. And Thursday
we did Yoga together, again.
Here's a little Aerosmith with Back in the Saddle Again!

And Chris gets 20 miles in this week w/ a 5miler tomorrow. I can't believe he's fit in the time to get his run on. : D

Our motivational quote comes from Bill Rodgers, four-time winner of the Boston Marathon.

The advice I have for beginners is the same philosophy that I have for runners of all levels of experience and ability – consistency, a sane approach, moderation and making your running an enjoyable, rather than dreaded, part of your life.  


Monday, November 18, 2013

Feeling Green

Today I'm feeling green, and that's a good thing, because one of my favorite colors is green. 
And as Kermit the Frog knows, it's not easy being green, but it's sure worth it!

Saturday we went to the temple and to see Thor's new movie. We had a really great day!
Sunday is the Sabbath, so that's always our day off. 
And today I ran 2 miles and did 5 sets of 20 squats, 20 sit-ups, and 20 push-ups. 
I bet my arms will hurt tomorrow.
Chris ran 3 miles and did 2 sets of 25 squats, 25 sit-ups, and 25 push-ups. 
I bet his arms will hurt tomorrow, too.

The agenda for tomorrow is relaxing yoga and a 4 mile run for me and a 7.5 mile run for Chris. 

He's running to work. I hope it doesn't snow. ; D

OK, see you later frogs.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wednesday 13 thru Friday 15

Friday's Workout

Rayna- 12 pull ups; 21- 20lb dumbbell swings and run a 400. Repeat this 3 times. Done.
Run 3 miles. Done

Chris- 12 pull ups; 21- 50lb dumbbell swings and run a 400. Repeat this 3 times. Done.

Whew! We're tired and it's not even 7am.

Today's Quote:


Rayna- Rest Day
Chris- Ran 3 miles


Pull-ups, Push-ups, and Squats - 21 reps; 15 reps; and 9 reps. Rayna- Ran 4 miles. Chris- Ran 3 miles.

And our quote of the day ~


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

OK, So we're nearing the middle of November ...

And it's almost 2014!!!! Holy Bat Turds Bat Man! 

Well, Chris liked the quote for today from Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, so I'm posting that one. It's on p. 317 and states "Probably The Greatest benefit you will experience from exercising will be the development of your muscles of proactivity. As you act based on the value of physical well-being, instead of reacting to all the forces that keep you from exercising, your paradigm of your self, your self-esteem, your self-confidence, and your integrity will be profoundly affected."

Chris ran to work today in the very cold weather. His only comment about his run was -It was cold. His run was about 7.5 miles. We did Gentle Vinyasa Yoga this morning and I ran 3 miles. Tomorrow I've got 4 to do.

We'll keep posting. : D

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thursday, November 7th

So, we've been on a bit of a hiatus lately. Kelsey flew back to the US today and stopped working out two weeks ago or more. We do hope that she continues to exercise in the States and that she finds work quickly, too.

And Chris was down and out for two days; a Sunday night, the 4th, with a tummy problem and a Wednesday, the 6th, with fevers and exhaustion. He looks really peakid and pale.  

The last time we blogged was on Thursday, October 24th - the day I got the flu vaccine in mist form. Well, Saturday we were all supposed to run a 5K on Patch. I was feeling really weak and started having cold symptoms, so I bowed out. But Kelsey and Chris ran together. Kel dressed as Wonder Woman and Chris wore a skeleton mask and his "Have Fun Stormin' the Castle" shirt. A good time was had by all. They finished a little over 48 minutes. Way to go, Kel! 
                                Here's a pic from the 5K of Chris and Kelsey all dressed up.

We haven't done a CrossFit work out since that week. But we hope to begin soon. We should be feeling up to it by Monday, the 11th. I have been running pretty regularly. Last week I ran 3 times, putting in 2, 3 milers and 1, 5 miler on Saturday with Chris. My times have been really slow. I'd really like to get to 10 minute miles or 30 min 5K by the end of this month. Wish me luck! Right now I'm running 11-11:30 miles. So far this week I've run 2, 3 milers. I want to get in a 3 miler tomorrow and a 4 for Saturday. Chris and I have also done Yoga a few times in the past couple weeks.

Well, what does all this mean? It means we need to re-group a bit, re-evaluate our goals, and get a plan for the next week. Speaking of goals, I haven't lost a single pound. I'm still exactly at 200. But I'm also not keeping a food journal or doing two work-outs a day. Hopefully, I'll get on track with my goals.

Here's the quote for the day:
The important thing is to strive towards a goal which is not immediately visible. That goal is not the concern of the mind, but of the spirit. 
                                ~Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry, Flight to Arras