Monday, June 2, 2014

Disneyland ... Yay! No! ...

Last week was rough one. It was supposed to be lots of fun. And it was! But then it was exhausting and a bit painful. Welcome to the Magic Kingdom!

Chris and I went to Disneyland Paris with some friends, left Sunday, 26 May and retuned Monday, 27 May. We rode more roller coasters than we should have. We both felt the effects for a few days thereafter. We also had to drive home Monday night to get our friends back for work. It was tough on us. Yes, it was great fun just at the expense of some sleep.

So, we knew our meals would not be what we would eat at home but all in all, we didn't eat too terribly.
For Sunday, we packed our lunch and dinner.

Bf: Cereal, Nana, Vitamins and H20
Snack: None
Lunch: Salami Sammy and Ruffles, H20
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Salami Sammy, Ruffles, 1/2 chocolate muffin w/ peanut butter, H20

Monday's meals:

Bfast: Power Bar, Nana, PB Toast, Vitamins and H20
Snack: Peanuts and granola bar
Lunch: 3 cheese salad, Sprite and H20
Snack: Almonds, 2 bites of pb ice cream
Dinner: 2 wonton appetizer bites, 3/4 philly cheesesteak sammy, fries, coke
Dessert: 1 large chocolate macaron -  it wouldn't be Paris if I didn't have a macaron ... and it was Awesome!

Bfast- Nothing
Snack- Nothing
Lunch- PB and J sammy, 1/2 apple, 1/2 cup Ruffles, H20
Snack- Nothing
Dinner- 1/2 Chicken Thai meal, 1 egg roll, handful of pretzels w/ cheese, and 1 c. of coke

Bfast- cereal, toast, berries, h20 and vitamins
Snack- protein shake, pretzels
Lunch- Tuna Sammy, pecans, h20
Snack- crystal lite and crackers
Dinner- Pork, Fried Potatoes, Jello-O w/ cool whip, H20

Bf- 2 cinnamon rolls, h20 and vits
Snack- Pretzels
Lunch- 1 1/2 ritter sport bars (OK, this is a terrible lunch) and a Uludaq ( a turkish drink -like a bubblegum sprite)
Snack- 1 cinn roll (again, not the best choice of snack)
Dinner- Chkn Curry w/ carrots, peppers, and cabbage on rice, crystal light

Bf- Yogurt, nuts, honey, h20, vits and 1/2 ritter sport bar
Snack- none
Lunch- 2 cinnamon rolls (again poor choice, trying to get rid of them)
Snack- none
Dinner- Burger King- BBQ Whopper, ORings, Coke

Bf- cinn roll, milk, vits
lunch- grilled cheese, 1/2 nana, crystal lite
snack- salami sammy w/ cheese and crystal lite
(Fast Sunday begins)

Well, our workouts weren't so great either since both of us were recouperating. Monday killed it at Disneyland. Tuesday we slept the whole day. Wednesday- I did a light leg work out. Thursday- Ran about 1 mile (the girls, Angela and Katy were visiting) and we lost Sweet Pea. Yep, we lost her in a field of grass over 3' high. It appeared that Sweets waited for us on the trail, so after about 15-20 mins we found her, thankfully. I <3 my puppy. She was well, but I think a little afraid that she had lost her mommy. 

I'll let you know how this week goes. So far, so good. 

Chris, Rayna & Sweets

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