Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Updates on our "shapes"

So, it's been a long time since I've posted on this blog. I've actually made some progress in becoming more fit. I've been diligent in following a diet and exercise routine and have lost 5 lbs and 1 1/2" from my waist. This has happened over the past 3 weeks. As for Chris, he's been running to work (approx. 7.5 miles) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And we usually work out together on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, doing weight lifting execises. So things have been good.

On another note, Chris will be retiring from the full-time grind to start another full-time grind devoted to The Journey of Success website, blog and podcast. Who knows where this will all lead, but it should be an interesting few years. In preparation, we're selling dumb stuff, American stuff (since we will stay in Germany), and any other needless things. I really hope we can sell much of what we have taking up space.

Back to the "shape" update, I'll include our meal plan below. I'm a huge believer in having one free day a week. That whole starve myself until I meet my goal weight just doesn't work for me. I <3 chocolate, and having a soda with popcorn at the movies, and enjoying a piece of cake at a birthday party, and, and, and ... . OK, yes, it takes a little forethought, but it really helps to decide what "free food" I'm going to indulge in and what "free food" doesn't make the cut. This week we're going to the movies, so popcorn and a soda it is. I'll let you know which movie we see, how it was, and if the popcorn and soda was worth it.

The strawberry pie on Monday night's schedule was supposed to be for my birthday, but I didn't feel up to making it. I haven't found the right berries, yet. Maybe next week ... Anticipation!!!

Strawberry pie unglazed

As the Germans here say, Tschüss!
